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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Renumbering Work Repositories in ODI before migration


Renumbering the work repositories is important if you want to migrate the code from one environment to another,

Normally if you install ODI at two locations say DEV & QA it would install with the same default internal IDs that is 500.

For every object within ODI we have an associated internal ID .The last three digits of the ID represent the work repository where the code was developed.

Now consider a scenario where you are creating objects in both DEV & QA.It might be possible that the internal IDs of the objects might clash .

For ex, A new model created in DEV may have the internal ID as 23500 & a new mapping created in QA may have the same internal ID(23500) ,This would create a huge confusion when  you  try to migrate the object from DEV to QA causing the migration to fail.You therefore need to ensure that the work repository IDs in all our environments are unique.

Right lick on your QA repository and choose the option renumber.

DEV is at 500.Lets go to 600 for QA

The operation completed within seconds.Not sure if it really did the job

Let me check.
Custom Folder changed to 4600 from 4500

Another thing that I observed is that the prebuilt code is not stamped with the internal Id .Its just the code that  is custom.(What I now know is that the prebuilt code carries different IDs of repositories where they were initially created)
This makes sense as the documentation says that last 3 digits represent the repository where the code was built.Which means that there should not be problems with migration.

Let me test migrating a folder which I could not yesterday.
It now goes through.
In this method of migration we need to move the models first and then move the mappings so that the references remain intact.(Avoid using Smart mode)

NOTE:All the methods mentioned above have been tested with ODI 11g .I am not sure if they remain true for the older versions.

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