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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Difference between Teradata and Oracle databases

Dt: 5Aug,2012

You will have experts giving a lot of shit whenit come sto doing a comparison between teradata and oracle.Most of their answers end with either 'Oracle is faster/better' or that 'Teradata can handle large data better' .But you find it diffficult to get a basic differentiation between the two.

So here it is the difference boils down to the way in which they store data.

  • Teradata is different from other DMBS (like Oracle) because it uses logical addresses rather than physical addresses to store data. This allows teradata to perform (automatic) defragmentation/re-organiazation of data anytime without effecting the addresses.
  •  It stores data on blocks, unlike other PAGE-BASED databases. These blocks are variable length that can grow and shrink based on data.
  •  Moreover teradata is DBA-FRIENDLY because:
    - It does automatic disk management
    - It automaticly manage indexes (which are store in internal tables rather than B-tress or other structures)
    - It does automatic defragmentation, garbage collection etc
    - It uses automatic partitioning/distribution of data using hashing algos.
Now if someone has  a different perspective on this then you are free to add your comments.


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