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Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Recently we were working on a customized report to get  details of all paid invoices into a report.
We decided to use the  prebuilt W_AP_XACT_F,fact  table available in OBIEE to get the reports out.
The fact table supported all the report requirements and all the columns requested by business could be pulled out of the AP Financials subject area.

All was hunky dory till we reached functional testing where we realized that the report was missing some of the invoices which were present in the AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL table which held all the paid invoices.

Further digging into the W_AP_XACT_F table we realized that the fact used records from the AP_PAYMENTS_HIST_DISTS_ALL table .
Now ideally since a payment is done its payment history must be recorded in this Oracle EBS table but we realized that some of the invoices which were present int he AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL table missed an entry in the history distributions table.
Or to rephrase it some payments in the AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL table did not have an entry AP_PASYMENT_HIST_DISTS_ALL table.

We have been trying to link AP_PAYMENTS_SCHEDULE ,AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL & AP_PAYMENT_HIST_DISTS_ALL tables and to get the flow of invoices.But with not much luck as of now.

Any guidance on this front will be welcome.

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